The Blogger Princess

Fashion, Food, Beauty, Home & Travel Digital Magazine

Crescent Moon Cafe located in Dalig, Antipolo is well-known for its one of a kind dishes served in their weekend lunch buffet and one of its renowned dishes is the Alagao Salad.  It’s like the usual salad station wherein you put the ingredients on top, but the difference with this one is that you put the ingredients (basil, dried coconut, chili, ginger, kamias, onion, shrimp and sweet peanut sauce) on the alagao leaf.  Hmimm, it it the first that you’ve heard of this appetizer?



The Alagao is one part of the Pito-pito (the combination of seven wonder herbs and seeds considered effective for lowering cholesterol and increasing blood circulation).  Yes, you have to eat this raw and fill it in with the ingredients and roll it like a lumpia.  In the video below, you will see how I create mine and my reaction when I tasted it.






I actually couldn’t describe the taste– the fusion of the sour, spicy and menthol-like tastes is very dominant in the crunchy leaf.  My Alagao wrap was more of sour because I put more kamias.  I recommend only having it once because if you had more, you might not be able to have appetite in trying the other dishes because of its strong taste.

Anyway, the Alagao Salad tasting is one of the highlights in my visit to Crescent Moon Cafe and it’s definitely one experience I couldn’t forget. Below is the contact number of Crescent Moon should you decide to try it.


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